I think Whitman would have totally been into this video. He stresses the importance of getting down with it all; to feel, smell, hear, taste and see everything. The girl in this video however, cannot see. Rather than flop, she uses her other senses to help her see. She gets messy and builds a chia pet- like Lionel Richie (well a bust or statue, whatever, it looks like a chia pet.) Through a filter, they manage to fall in love- despite possible barriers (sight and quite possibly the illegality of teacher student relationships..)
Lionel R. is teaching acting in this video- a good actor is entertaining to watch because of their skills at immersing the audience with character. It is the process of watching – cathartically acting along with the actor- that is enjoyable to us as an audience. Why do we listen to the song “Hello?” – because we enjoy the process of the song, just as we are to enjoy and learn from the process of reading song of myself.
OMG - - you have officially blown my mind . . . I must retreat to the woods to reboot . . . most excellent!